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Wheel of Fortune is the 10th Major Arcana cards among all the other 22 Major Arcana cards. On this card, there is a large wheel of orange colour in the centre which represents general wellness and recovery from the disappointments. It also represents a journey towards ecstasy and pride. On the outer circle of the wheel, there is a snake on the left side of the wheel, Anubis (The Egyptian God of Dead) on the right side of the wheel, and Sphinx on the top (symbol of knowledge and strength). The snake is considered as the act of descending towards the material world. It also symbolizes opportunities and healing powers. On the inner portion of the circle, there are four Hebrew letters, YHVH (Yod Heh Vau Heh), the unpronounceable name of God. There are also other letters, ‘TORA’, which has several meanings. It is assumed to be related to the word ‘TORAH’ which symbolizes the law of God, the word ‘Tarot’, or the word ‘ROTA’ (Latin word for wheel). On the edge of the card, there are four winged creatures, the angel on the top left (symbol of Aquarius), an eagle on the top right (symbol of Scorpio), a lion on the bottom right (symbol of Lion), and a bull on the bottom left (symbol of Taurus). The winged creatures are often considered as the messengers of God.
- Good Luck
- Life Cycles
- Karma
- Fate and Fortune
- Turning Point
- Destiny
- Drastic Change
- Soulmates
- New Beginnings
General Meaning
Generally, the ‘Wheel of Fortune’ is a card which represents the cycles of life. Currently, if you are going through the depressed phase of your life then don’t worry as the stressful period shall pass very soon. Similarly, if you are enjoying the best time of your life, this card is an indication that soon your life will get to the normal. This card also suggests keeping a check on your karmas as what goes around comes around. It also represents the turning point of your life where you will realise your real worth and start focusing on improving it. Always remember, this change won’t be the easy one. You have to make a lot of efforts to bring your life on the correct path.
Upright Position
If this card appears in the upright position in your spread, it suggests that the life cycles which are not in our control. You have to understand that life is full of ups and downs, so stop worrying if you are going through the depressed phase of your life. Your bad time shall pass very soon, just keep the patience and faith in the divine powers of God as everything is happening for the Highest Good. Always remember to keep a check on your karmas. If you will help others and stay genuine in your dealings than God will reward you in unexpected ways for your good karmas. If you have always been dishonest than you cannot spare yourself from the punishment. Life is all about changes as you cannot question the workings of the Supreme power. Whatever the situation God is providing you, keep patience and trust your hard work. This card also denotes the testing time of your patience.
Reversed Position
If this card appears in the reversed position in your spread, it suggests that suddenly you have experienced a drastic change in your life. This change might be a negative one. You are confused and failed to see the directions of your life. You will have two choices, either to accept or reject the changes. If you accept, then this card advises you to keep patience and trust the workings of God. If you reject, you won’t be able to bring your life on the right track. Alternatively, the reversed ‘Wheel of Fortune’ also suggests that you are resisting the changes in your life. You have to understand that the change is inevitable. You can only control the factors which are in your control. Sometimes, this card also suggests the wrong decisions you have made in your life which are affecting you in several ways. Always consider the pros and cons of every situation before making any final decision. This card also suggests the Karmic lessons you are facing in your life.
Wheel of Fortune in Past Spread
In the past spread, the appearance of this card says that you have taken certain decisions in your past which may prove to be fruitful. This card also denotes a short trip to a beautiful place with family or friends. It also denotes the good result of the hard work which you had done in your past.
Wheel of Fortune in Present Spread
In the present spread, the ‘Wheel of Fortune’ has several meanings depending upon its position with the other cards in the spread. It denotes a drastic change which may prove to be fruitful. If you are not able to understand the directions than this card is a suggestion to keep patience and trust the workings of God as everything is happening for your Highest Good. This card also signifies a positive result of your hard work. Sometimes, this card also suggests a short trip with family and friends.
Wheel of Fortune in Future Spread
If the other cards in your spread are positive, this card denotes a positive change. This is a good omen which denotes that the universe will shower the rewards of your hard work. You may get several opportunities which will help you to grow well in life. This card also advises considering every fact before making a final decision.
Wheel of Fortune in Love Spread
If you are single, the appearance of this card in your love spread signifies that soon you will be going to meet the love of your life with the divine blessings of God. You will be going to have a blissful relationship based on mutual love, care, respect, and loyalty. This card also signifies that you also have to make the efforts to find a suitable partner. If you are committed, the appearance of this card indicates a change in your relationship. This change can either be positive or negative but it cannot be avoided. The actual outcome of this card depends upon the other cards in the spread, if the other cards in your spread are all positive, then the appearance of this card denotes an engagement or marriage. If the other cards in your spread are negative, especially if this card comes along with ‘Tower’ and ‘Devil’ than this card denotes a disastrous phase of the relationship.
Wheel of Fortune in Career Spread
If the ‘Wheel of Fortune’ appears in your career spread, then it is a good omen which denotes that something big is coming your way. Students might think of going abroad for further studies. This card also assures the growth in your career with the number of opportunities. Sometimes, this card also denotes a challenging phase of your career. Whatever it is, you have to understand that everything is happening to lead you to the ultimate goal of your life.
Wheel of Fortune in Finance Spread
It is for sure that this card denotes a change which may bring some unexpected events with it. There might be the chances of some unexpected financial gain or loss, depending upon the nature of other cards in your spread. If the other cards in your spread are positive, this card denotes financial gain, new job, business profits, or sale of investments. If the other cards in the spread are negative, this card shows the loss.
Wheel of Fortune in Health Spread
In the health spread, the appearance of this card denotes good health if currently, you are suffering from the illness. You need to adopt a healthy lifestyle to improve your immunity. You also have to go for regular health checkups to keep track of your health.
Wheel of Fortune in Family Spread
In the family spread, the appearance of this card along with the other positive card in the spread suggests that some positive change is coming soon which will result in the happy times of the family. There are chances of going on a short trip for the recreational purpose. If the other cards in the spread are not positive, then this card denotes that a change will come which may affect all the members of the family. Whatever it is, you must understand that this change is inevitable and cannot be avoided. The only thing you can do is to look at the positive side of the situation.
Wheel of Fortune in Yes or No Spread
This card is based upon the theme of luck, mostly associated with the new scope and directions. So, the answer to the question you are looking for is ‘Yes’.
Other Facts
- Elements: Fire
- Astrology/Zodiac Sign: Jupiter