Table of Contents
‘The Lovers’ is the 6th Major Arcana card among all the other 22 Major Arcana cards. On this card, a naked couple is seen standing on fertile land, specifying the beautiful time of the companionship. Over them, the angel Raphael (God of healing) is blessing the union with the divine energies by providing both emotional and physical healing. Behind the woman, there is a snake coiled around the trunk of a tall tree, representing that the mind and the intellectual thinking of the person are drawn away by sensual pleasures. Behind the man, there is a tree of twelve flames, representing his primary concern for passion and sensual desires. The man is looking at the woman while she is looking towards the divine angel, who is trying to show her the path of emotional and spiritual needs. The volcanic mountain in the background is the symbol of great sexual desires which are developed between the couple.
- Relationships
- Love
- Harmony
- Partnerships
- Sexual Desires and Connections
- Romance
- Soulmates
- Major Choices
General Meanings
As the name says, this card is all about love relationships. It shows that you have a harmonious relationship with your loved one. The bond between the couple is so strong that they are either joined in marriage or have developed a passionate intimate relationship. Since the couple on the card is naked, it represents a complete honesty between them, who have madly fallen in love. Another meaning associated with this card is the choices (opposite and mutually exclusive) which the person has to make in life. You are confused as to which path will be beneficial for you. It suggests that you must consider every fact before taking any major decision in your life.
Upright Position
If ‘The Lovers’ card appears in the upright position in your spread, it suggests that you are going through a beautiful relationship with your partner. You have mutual love, respect, passion, desires, and compassion for each other. It also suggests that you are sexually involved with your partner. If not a romantic relationship, this card also signifies a harmonious relationship with a close friend or among the members of the family. Alternatively, this card also signifies the major choices (usually the opposite and mutually exclusive choices) you have in your life. The appearance of this card in your spread advises you to follow your heart and make the best use of your intuition powers to select the best choice for yourself. Think rationally and practically before making any major decisions in life. It also signifies your passion for your career, a close friend or relative, and a partnership business.
Reversed Position
The reversed lovers card has various interpretations, depending upon its placement about other cards in the spread. It signifies that you had a harmonious bond during the initial stage of your relationship, but now things are getting worse. Continuous fights, arguments, and disagreements have made you move one from the toxic relationship. There is a lack of mutual respect, care, and love between the couple. You have come to that point in your relationship where you feel like getting separated is the only best option.
Alternatively, it also represents the lack of compatibility between the partners. One person in the relationship is extremely emotional while the other one is extremely practical. It also shows a one-sided lover.
The Lovers in Past Spread
‘The Lovers’ card in the past spread suggests that you have already met your soulmate in the past. You were romantically involved with your partner and now have decided to take your relationship to the next level, by either getting engaged or married.
The Lovers in Present Spread
‘The Lovers’ card in the present spread suggests that you are going through a harmonious relationship with your soulmate. There exists mutual respect and care for each other. It also signifies that you are confused regarding the various choices in your life. This card advises you to consider each fact before proceeding further.
The Lovers in Future Spread
The appearance of ‘The Lovers’ card in your future spread suggests that soon you will going to enter the new phase of your relationship by either getting engaged or married. It also signifies a partnership business soon.
The Lovers in Love Spread
If you are single, this card signifies that soon you will be going to meet the love of your life. The upcoming relationship will be the long-lasting one, based upon mutual love, respect, understand, and sexual desires. This is one of the best omens in terms of love.
If you are committed, this card signifies that currently, you are enjoying through the blissfull relationship. You are mentally, physically, sexually, and spiritually connected to your partner. In the upcoming days, the bond between you and your partner will become more intense and you may either get engaged or married.
The Lovers in Career Spread
In terms of career spread, the appearance of this card represents a business partnership that will prove to be beneficial soon. There will be favourable business deals that will be going to provide financial benefits. The business will run in profits and you may think about its expansion on a large scale. It also signifies a romantic relationship with your colleague. Try not to mix your both personal and professional life. Students might be confused regarding their career paths. They must consider the advice of the experts to choose the best career option for themselves.
The Lovers in Finance Spread
In the finance spread, ‘The Lovers’ card suggests that you are going through the best time of your life, and whatever the decision you will take, will turn in your favour. You may look for different financial opportunities as you are going through the favourable time of your life. Always go through every aspect, the pros and cons of each financial proposal before investing.
The Lovers in Health Spread
In your health spread, ‘The Lovers’ card signifies that though you are blessed with good health, still you must go for regular health checkups. You will get great support from someone, maybe your partner, close friend, relative, or a good doctor, who will be going to guide you well regarding your health. This card also signifies that soon you may have to take the decisions regarding your treatments. Since ‘The Lovers’ card is associated with emotions, it signifies that you should take good care of your cardio-vascular part and other health issues related to your heart.
The Lovers in Family Spread
‘The Lovers’ in family spread suggests that there is mutual love, care, respect, and communication between each member of the family. This card also marks the beginning of some family celebrations, especially the engagement or marriage.
The Lovers in Yes or No Question
‘The Lovers’ is a very positive card that symbolizes harmony and happiness. So, the answer to the question will be ‘Yes’.
Other Facts
- Element: Air
- Astrology/Zodiac Sign: Gemini
- Period: May 21 to June 20