100+ Affirmations to Increase Sales



We all know how tough it is to match the monthly sales target and for some of us meeting these targets is the most difficult thing to do. But don’t worry every difficulty comes with its solution. This stands true for meeting the sales target also. Below mentioned is a list of affirmations that you can use to enhance your sales and also impress your boss to give you some promotions.

Go through this exhaustive list one by one and select the affirmations that relate to your situations. You can also frame your affirmations if you want. Just keep in mind that no matter what the situation is you need to have utmost trust and belief in the affirmations you frame or choose for yourself. Belief and honesty are things that will give you the result. So always consider them.



1. I am grateful for all that has been made accessible to me to make this sale go as smoothly as possible.
2. I know what it takes to increase sales in my company and I know that I will meet my monthly targets no matter what the situation is.
3. I am grateful to the universe because I know it is getting easier with each sale.
4. I’ve started accepting help so that I can concentrate on selling better.
5. I am grateful because I know that I’m a fantastic business entrepreneur.
6. It is my birthright to make money and do as many sales as I can.
7. I am grateful because I know that the more, I improve myself at marketing, the more lives I touch.
8. My monthly sales are steadily increasing and I know the in the coming days my sale will reach their best.
9. It is quite simple for me to sell and I am grateful for it.
10. My target audience enjoys viewing my special offerings and they remain happy with all kinds of services I provide.
11. My selling strategy is based on my core principles.
12. To make sales, I don’t need to adopt insane approaches.
13. For my business, I can easily attract the greatest clients.
14. Everything I’m selling has my approval.
15. I agree to only sell products and services that will help my clients achieve extraordinary results.
16. My services deliver outstanding results for my customers.
17. I’m happiest when I can make a difference in people’s lives by selling.
18. Selling makes me happy.
19. I make more sales the less I work.
20. I’ve become a magnet for folks in need of my services.
21. My bank account is presently growing at a rapid rate.
22. There’s no limit to how many sales I can generate simply by being myself.
23. I’m getting a lot of help in my efforts to increase sales.
24. To make more money, I don’t have to go out of my way.
25. My audience can tell what I’m thinking by the energy I emit, and they’re willing to pay for it.
26. For me, selling is as simple as reciting the alphabet.
27. I am grateful because I no longer consider sales to be a job, but rather a way of life.
28. Nothing stands in my way of achieving my sales targets and I am so grateful for it.
29. I am grateful to the universe because I know I have everything I need to close all of the deals I want.
30. My sales are motivated by my mission and this helps me meet my monthly targets with ease.
31. My sales figures are steadily growing and I am becoming a better salesman day by day.
32. I am astounded by my sales increase because I never thought that I can do this. I know this has been possible because of my changed mindset and I am so grateful for it.
33. My clientele adores me and is eager to collaborate with me. They love my services and keep asking for more. I am so grateful for it.
34. It is OK for me to increase my sales in my company. But I just don’t want to increase the sales rather I have to grow the sales to multifold. I know I can do this because the universe is always there for me.
35. Everything I spend to help me sell has a 5X return on investment and I am grateful for it.
36. I’m not scared to take risks to boost my sales because I know that the universe is always there to help me.
37. Everything is fine at my company and I know that my company considers me an asset.
38. I am grateful because I know that my business brings me delight and fully supports me.
39. Selling is a service activity and I love doing it.
40. I’m offering folks a chance to experience their biggest transformation by selling because these folks regard me as the best in the business so I have to help them.
41. My outcomes have remained consistent.
42. My sales approaches exude optimism.
43. I let go of any programming that was preventing me from selling more.
44. I’ll take whatever help I can get to boost my earnings.
45. Selling is becoming increasingly simple for me.
46. My customers enjoy paying me.
47. My products catalyze change.
48. I am a very content business owner.
49. I generate more sales the more content I produce.
50. I can express my actual objectives, which are to elevate, with each sales call or email.
51. My products and services are currently assisting millions of people.
52. My items are well-liked by my customers, who frequently recommend me to their friends.
53. Of course, I make more sales without having to work any harder.
54. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to grow my business.
55. I’m making as many sales as I need to meet all of my goals.
56. My family and I, as well as my colleagues, are in excellent hands.
57. The more sales I earn, the more people’s lives are changed.
58. My company’s bank account is now growing.
59. Every month since I’ve been in business, I’ve had great sales results.
60. Every day, my company produces money; it is unavoidable.
61. I’ll never have to worry about money again.
62. My zone of influence is expanding presently.
63. I focus on the hobbies that bring in money for me.
64. My inheritance is a success.
65. I can devote my full attention to the development of my company without being distracted.
66. I’m in my lane and don’t pay attention to the competitors.
67. Because I am being my actual authentic self, my sales are skyrocketing.
68. Every day, the mechanisms in place in my firm perform admirably in ensuring that my sales increase.
69. I already have everything I need to start the business of my dreams.
70. It’s not a sin to want to make more money.
71. Making 1000 times more money is a secure bet for me.
72. It is acceptable for me to use my creative ability to increase my fortune.
73. Making extra money for my company does not have to be difficult.
74. I have a wide range of abilities, but sales are my strongest.
75. I enjoy shopping for bargains.
76. I’m willing to accept more sales.
77. More payment notifications would be welcome.
78. Every customer who purchases my company will be adequately taken care of.
79. I was able to let go of my self-doubt.
80. I now politely decline any client who is not a suitable fit for my company.
81. For me, I only attract and accept the best clientele.
82. Money is secure in my possession.
83. In my business, there is a wonderful and healthy flow of cash.
84. With a smile on my face, I pay my business costs.
85. My business dealings are always impeccable.
86. Every day, more money is flowing into my company.
87. The more money I put into my business, the more money I make.
88. My team enjoys collaborating with me to increase sales.
89. I only charge a premium for my services, and as a result, I attract great premium clients.
90. My company is my legacy.
91. Even on days when sales appear to be poor, I am adored.
92. Even though I don’t feel it, I am accepted and well cared for.
93. There is sufficient supply for me to increase my sales.
94. My sales growth graph continues to climb indefinitely.
95. Because I am good with money, it is safe for me to make more.
96. I am an expert at dealing with money and have no fear of it.
97. I am well-off.
98. I have everything I require to live the life I choose.
99. Every day, I improve my selling skills.
100. Every rejection is an opportunity to learn something new.
101. I can’t fail as long as I’m taking action.
102. Choices give me power, and having an abundant attitude is crucial.
103. When a prospect says no, it’s an opportunity for me to learn more about their problems.
104. Actively listening to my prospect demonstrates that I am interested.
105. My main purpose is to help my prospect address their challenges.
106. I’m convinced that my offer will alleviate my prospect’s problems.
107. If the sale didn’t go through, I received some practice to help me improve.
108. I can sell by being completely truthful.
109. I’m prepared to listen and offer questions in response to complaints.
110. By giving it my all, I can achieve sales success.
111. I am capable of achieving any objective I set for myself.
112. Any objection thrown my way is no match for me.
113. For doing what I enjoy, I am well compensated.
114. I know when it’s time to press and when it’s time to back off.
115. Nobody can close a deal as well as I can!
116. This month, I will prove that I am the top salesperson in my office!
117. By out-planning and out-preparing the competitors, I can win agreements.
118. I have everything I need to attain my objectives.
119. With each rejection, I get closer to my next sale.
120. For myself, my sales team, my company, and my clients, I think good and fortunate ideas. Everyone wins in my selling universe!
121. Objections make me bloom. I pay attention to the objection. I examine the objection and deal with it!
122. With every criticism I receive, I am pleasantly persistent.
123. Today, for the betterment of everybody, I will meet the right people in the right place at the right time.
124. My product is superior to all others on the market.
125. Every day, my earnings continue to increase in every aspect.
126. I’m attracting all of the people, situations, and events that will help me succeed.
127. I rapidly recover from each no I hear and I am grateful for it.
128. I have a lot of energy, which allows me to easily outsell my competitors.
129. Every day, I rehearse my sales scripts and I know one day I will master it to my best.
130. My direct, honest, and upbeat demeanor makes me captivating and charismatic in every situation. My boss and colleagues are also in the love with my personality.
131. Today’s action is thrilling, and it reminds me that I am a true champion. These lines help me to improve my mindset and I am grateful for such lines.
132. My most valuable asset is me. That’s an asset I believe in, and I’m always willing to market it to its best.
133. My quota is determined by my employer, but my objectives are set by me. This month, I completely exceeded my quota and I am grateful for the same.
134. Every time I meet someone new, I rave about their excellent traits. I focus on the positive qualities of each place and object. This helps me to have a positive mindset which again is very necessary to make me the best salesman in the town.
135. I am the #1 salesperson in my office month after month.
136. I’m not moved by the word number. “Let the sale begin” is all I think before starting my work. I know that I am a hardworking person and because of this numbers will automatically come into my pocket.
137. I am grateful because I know I have a high level of personal integrity, which motivates me to go above and beyond.
138. I have full knowledge about a fantastic salesperson. That salesperson is showing up for my appointments today. And that salesman is none other than me.

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