Categories: Manifestation

Work Ethic Affirmations

Work Ethics- The Law of Attraction and Manifestation

There is so much that we can do in our lives but half of it just gets wasted because we spend a significant half of our lives worrying about different things ranging from studies to work to family and many more. Before telling you more about the law of attraction and manifestation, I just want to tell you that in our lives there are basically two scenarios: First, you don’t have any problem in your life, then what is the point to worry. Second, you have a problem in your life. Now, this again has two possibilities (a) you have a solution for it. If you have a solution then just get out of your bed and start taking action. There is no reason to worry. (b) You don’t have a solution. It is pointless to worry about something that is not under your control. So, basically, there is no reason to worry about it. We just like wasting time and because of this, we do all these stupid acts. But I hope now you have understood this and probably you will stop wasting your time and also your life.

Let me now give you one more reason to live a stress-free life. Mostly we are worried about how will we achieve success in our lives or how will I get so much money etc. What if I say that you can be successful, you can also earn as much money as you want and probably get everything you want? Will you believe me? Probably not. But it is true. I know it is hard to believe but this is what it is. You can get anything and everything just by using the correct principles at the correct time. The principles being talked about are nothing but the law of attraction and also the principle of manifestation.

The general idea about these principles can be summed up by a quote given by Napoleon Hill, wherein he says that man, alone, has the power to transform his thoughts into physical reality; man, alone, can dream and make his dreams come true. Gandhi Ji also believed in these principles and said that we often become what we believe ourselves to be. If I believe I cannot do something, it makes me incapable of doing it. When I believe I can, I acquire the ability to do it, even if I didn’t have it in the beginning. Not only Napoleon hill and Mahatma Gandhi practiced this process but they also wholeheartedly believed it to be true. In addition to Napoleon Hill and Mahatma Gandhi, Albert Einstein also propagated the idea of the law of attraction and manifestation. He once said and I quote, “Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” This proves that the principles of the law of attraction and manifestation are not new, they have been there for ages and will continue till infinity.

Manifestation Example

To instill your trust in the process of manifestation I would like to give you a real-life example. I had a friend of mine whose name was Aman. He had a job or let me say a high-paying job but the problem was that he had no work ethic. He was always late to work, was never able to meet the deadlines, and seeing all this his boss called him one fine day and gave him a month to improve otherwise he would be fired. For the first week he tried hard to meet the deadlines, get to the office on time but somehow, he was unable to do any of these. He was tensed about his job and stopped eating properly, which eventually led to him falling ill. Seeing all this his wife came up with a solution. She told him the two-cup method and asked him to practice the same. Let me tell you in brief what is the two-cup method and how did Aman use it for his benefit.

He chose the two-cup method to improve his work ethic and in turn save himself from being fired. Now all you have to do in this method is to get two cups. Aman after getting the cups wrote his current work ethic on the first cup. However, keep in mind to be thankful for your current situation. On the second cup, Aman wrote the work ethic he was aspiring to reach or the work ethic he desired for himself. I understand that changing your habits may seem impossible to many of you, but believe me when I say that nothing is impossible. Whatever you ask for, whether it’s height, weight, money, fame, or anything else, the universe will provide it to you.

Now once this is done all you have to do is pour water into the first cup and imagine that you are changing reality or, for that matter, jumping dimensions. Lastly, you need to pour water from the first cup to the second cup. Hold the second cup in your hand and think about how your life will look like (in the case of Aman he thought and imagined how his life will look like if he had all the work ethics). The procedure is complete, and all you have to do now is believe that your goal will become a reality when the time comes. Nothing can stop you from achieving what you want.

After doing this process Aman was fully satisfied. He had somehow developed a feeling of fulfillment. He now somehow knew that he will get the work ethics he had been waiting for and nothing can stop him from achieving it. This is the belief that you need to have to achieve anything and everything. Aman did everything as prescribed and finally, he got the result he was waiting for. He achieved a work ethic and also secured his job. His boss was also happy. So, in short, he achieved everything he wanted.

List of Affirmations

If you want to achieve work ethics in the same way as Aman did, you can follow the affirmations that have been mentioned below. These affirmations can be used in any way, all you need to keep in mind is to trust the process. Trust and faith are the most important pillars of manifestation and you need to adhere to them. Now, you can have a look at the list of affirmations.

1. I am grateful because, at work, I am respected. In addition to this I am also a member of the core team, and my opinions there are always accepted and respected.
2. I am pleased that the work I do serves both, me and the society in which I live. I seek out and perform meaningful, great, and satisfying work. I am grateful for being able to deliver my 100% every time.
3. I’m working on a project that I enjoy and find rewarding and I am so grateful for it.
4. My dedication to my job means that I receive regular advancements and monetary rewards. I know that I will get it no matter what the situation is and I am grateful for it.
5. To have an influence, I don’t have to be the loudest person in the room. I can convince people and I am using these at my workplace.
6. I’m forming a supportive network of people that motivate and encourage me to outperform myself. I am so grateful for it.
7. My mistakes do not define who I am or how successful I will be in the future because my mistakes are proof that I am trying every single day. I am so grateful that I am trying and developing myself every single day.
8. I am focused and capable of achieving my objectives at my workplace. I am so grateful for it.
9. I have faith in myself and my abilities and I know I am getting the promotion today.
10. My objectives are worthwhile and because of this, I am succeeding every single day at my workplace.
11. I appreciate the work-life balance and self-care that I am maintaining every single day.
12. I am grateful because I know I work smarter, not harder, and I stay true to my fundamental principles and authentic self. I respect my time and make good use of it. I am more than capable of leading projects. I am on time and I have never missed any deadline.
13. Others are free to develop at their rate, which I respect and I am free to develop at my rate. I am developing and I am grateful for it.
14. I let go of the urge to judge and be judged at my workplace.
15. Every day that I work, my financial situation improves and I am so grateful for it.
16. For me and my career, the cosmos is brimming with possibilities. I know the universe has always helped me and will continue doing the same.
17. I’m surrounded by folks who are encouraging and have believed in me. I am grateful for all of them.
18. I am deserving of all that life has to offer, and I also am deserving of success. I have a good work ethic and I know this will help me get more successful.
19. I feel calm, confident, and powerful as I take on new problems at my workplace because I know that the universe has always helped me and will always do so.
20. Developing solutions is my nature and I am grateful for it. Finding solutions helps me get good opportunities at my workplace.
21. I always seem to attract successful individuals that understand and support me. They also give me enough opportunities to develop myself. I am becoming a better person day by day because of them and I am grateful for it.
22. Today, all of my meetings are going off without a hitch. I am grateful for the same.
23. All of my professional tasks have been completed ahead of schedule and now I am sure that I will not miss any of my deadlines.
24. My appointments are all entertaining and productive. I will enjoy doing all these at my workplace. I am also grateful for the enthusiasm I have to complete my work.
25. I am grateful because I know that professionalism is one of my main objectives in life, and I put it into practice every day.
26. Every day, I manage to get more done in less time at my workplace and I know this will continue till the very end. I am grateful for the same.
27. Every day, I pick up new abilities at work and I am mastering all of them one by one. I know there will come a time when I would have developed myself to its best. I am grateful for all these things.
28. I embrace constructive criticism given by my boss and use it to my benefit. I don’t let any situation or obstacle dishearten me and I am so grateful for it.
29. I always think of different ways to improve my work while I do it and I am grateful because slowly and gradually these ways are becoming more visible to me.
30. I never fail to appear on time for my appointments and this makes my boss happy. I am grateful for the same.
31. I always go above and above the call of duty and I am so grateful for it.
32. I constantly go above and beyond what is expected of me and this makes me better than all my colleagues. I am grateful for it.
33. I constantly go above and beyond what is required of me and accomplish more than is expected of me. Seeing this my boss constantly gives me new opportunities. I am grateful for all these wonderful opportunities.
34. I always provide more value than I am paid for but I know that there will come a time when my work and payment will be directly proportional to each other.
35. I am grateful because I know I am a hardworking and conscientious employee and this makes my employer happy.
36. I am a trustworthy and dependable employee and I am constantly improving the company by giving my 100%.
37. I am grateful because I know that I am an expert in my field and I am doing my best.
38. My employers see me as a valuable asset and are continuously giving me all kinds of promotions. I am grateful for all these promotions.
39. I am an adaptable worker and this helps me survive at my workplace.
40. I’m constantly at the top of my game and I know that the only competition that I have is me and no one else.
41. I’m always seeking for new techniques to boost my output and this makes me stand out at my workplace.
42. For every meeting, I am always on time. I have never been late and I am so grateful for it.
43. With my client, I am always open and honest. This makes me develop a better relationship with him/her and I am so grateful for it.
44. With my customers, I develop a friendly relation. This makes me develop a long-term relationship with them.
45. I’m always ready to get my works done and do whatever is required. I am grateful for the same.
46. I’m always on time for anything and everything.
47. In my work, I am always meticulous and I am grateful for the same.
48. I am grateful because I am a specialist at anticipating and responding to the demands of my buyers.
49. I am an expert in my field and I am doing my best to bring about a change.
50. Because I see my work through the eyes of my customers, I am an expert at what I do and I am grateful for it.
51. In my field, I am an expert and I know no one can do better than me.
52. I am eager to contribute more than I am compensated for because my work is about the larger good.
53. I’m eager to do more than I’m compensated for because this work gives me more satisfaction.
54. In my work, I am both efficient and inventive. I am grateful for the same.
55. Working my way up the corporate ladder is a breeze for me and I know I can do it.
56. I am an expert in every project that comes to my table.
57. I have a lot of experience in dealing with such matters.
58. I am quite proud of the work that I do.
59. I am grateful for my job and take pleasure in even the simplest chores.
60. Customer service is something I excel at and I am grateful for it.
61. I am enthralled by the work I do because it is fulfilling.
62. I am well-versed in the items I sell and I am grateful for it.
63. In my chosen field, I am one of the best and I am grateful for it.
64. I am enthusiastic about the products that my company provides and because of this, I can sell them in a better way. I am grateful for the same.

Final Note

The law of attraction including these affirmations can help you achieve the work ethics you have been looking for. To put it simply Jack Canfield once said and I quote, “the law of attraction states that whatever you focus on, think about, read about, and talk about intensely, you’re going to attract more of into your life.” So, keep a check on all the information you are consuming because this information is the one that will shape your thoughts and in turn shape your life. Thoughts are very important because whatever we are is a result of our past thoughts and whatever we will be, is going to be the result of our present thoughts. Never forget thoughts are real and they can make you or break you.

Also, Napoleon hills once said, “The vast majority of people are born, grow up, struggle, and go through life in misery and failure, not realizing that it would be just as easy to switch over and get exactly what they want out of life, not recognizing that the mind attracts the thing it dwells upon.” The law of attraction has been working for ages and it will continue to do so till the last moment. You need to use it and probably you should use it because this is the only solution to all your problems. There are universal laws at work, even here. The Law of Attraction; the Law of Correspondence; and the Law of Karma. That is: like attracts like; as within, so without; and what goes around comes around.” — H.M. Forester. Never forget like attracts like, so be cautious of all your thoughts and feelings.

After reading everything you would have understood that famous and successful people have used both these principles (law of attraction and manifestation) to achieve whatever they have wanted. You can also use them and become successful. In addition to practicing these principles, you also need to express gratitude now and then. Gratitude is the game-changer. When you are thankful for the universe the universe tries to give you more such opportunities to be thankful for. William Faulkner once said that gratitude is a quality similar to electricity: It must be produced and discharged and used up to exist at all. I hope this shows the significance of gratitude and why you should practice it.

Lastly while using the above-mentioned or any other affirmations never worry about how will it happen. This is not your job and you don’t have to do it. The universe will take care of the how’s and why’s. All you need to do is trust the universe and trust me it is easy because your wish is the universe’s command. So, the law of attraction, manifestation, affirmations, and gratitude when used correctly with each other can give you results that you would have never thought of. The secret to success is this simple formula: Law of attraction+ gratitude+ manifestation+ faith+ action. Never forget this because this formula will take you to heights you would have never imagined. Ending with a quote by Anthony Robbins, which is so close to my heart, “when you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears.”

Published by
Shruti from MysticalBee

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