Categories: Cure Mantras

Shani Maha Mantra

Shani Maha Mantra is one of the most powerful mantras of Lord Shani and is represented by the planet Saturn. In the Hindu calendar, Saturdays are dedicated to Lord Shani and it is believed that praying to Lord Shani on Saturdays can bring wonders to your life. According to the mythological historical facts, Lord Shani is responsible for the karmas of all living beings on this planet earth. It is said that Lord Shani gives the results of all the good and bad karma of past and present in the present life. The placement of planet Saturn in the horoscope of a person also plays a very important role in determining the karma of a person. There are numerous mantras of Lord Shani that can help to overcome various bad effects of the bad placement of planet Saturn in the horoscope. One of the most powerful mantras of Lord Shani is the “Shani Maha Mantra” which helps to bring several positive changes in the life of the reciter. This mantra should be recited 108 times on Saturdays to get the best results. Let’s scroll further to know the details of the “Shani Maha Mantra.”


|| नीलांजनसमाभासं रविपुत्रं यमाग्रजम्‌। छायामार्तण्डसम्भूतं तं नमामि शनैश्चरम्‌ ||”

In English,

Nilanjana Samabhasam Raviputram Yamagrajam Chaya Martanda Sambhutam Tam Namami Shaishcharam”

Meaning of Shani Maha Mantra

Looking like a blue cloud, the sun of the Sun, he is the foremost of those who control. He can even put his shadow over the glorious sun. To that Saturn, the emblem of control, we bow down in devotion.”

How and When to chant “Shani Maha Mantra”

  • “Shani Maha Mantra” is one of the most powerful mantras of Lord Shani that must be recited with pure devotion and dedication. One of the most important things required to be done before chanting this mantra is to take shower in the morning. No mantra should be recited without taking shower. Taking a bath helps to get rid of various negativities of the mind and body. It helps to wash out all the toxicity and helps to attract the good things in life.
  • The mantra should be recited on Saturdays 108 times to seek the divine blessings of Lord Shani. You can visit a nearby Shani temple or place a photograph of Lord Shani in front of you and recite this mantra. Wearing black or blue colored clothing also helps to please Lord Shani.
  • The mantra must be recited with pure devotion and dedication to bring all the positive changes in life. You can also consult an experienced astrologer to know the exact producer and way to chant this powerful mantra to bring all the positive changes in your life. Through this, the person also develops an interest in the world of spirituality and focuses to perform all the good things in life.
  • You can also use Lord Hanuman’s picture or idol to chant this powerful mantra of Lord Shani to bring positive changes in your life.

Benefits of Shani Maha Mantra

1. Reducing the hardships

One of the most potent and magical benefits of reciting the “Shani Maha Mantra” is that it helps reduce life’s hardships. We all know that Lord Shani is the Lord of Justice and gives people the results of their karmas. Though it is not an easy task to please Lord Shani, it is believed that reciting the powerful Shani Maha Mantra can help to reduce the various hardships of life. A person faces these hardships only due to past and present life deeds. A hardship can be of any form, a person can face obstacles in both personal and professional life. But reciting this powerful mantra with devotion and dedication helps to overcome these struggles of life and helps to live a stress-free and peaceful life. So, this mantra must be recited with pure intentions and dedication.

2. Seeking the divine blessings

“Shani Maha Mantra” is all about the beautiful description of Lord Shani in which each word of the mantra describes the physical structure and powerful capabilities of divine power. Reciting this mantra 108 times regularly on all Saturdays helps to seek the divine blessings of Lord Shani who blesses his devotees to face the various challenges of life with power and courage. This powerful mantra also describes the traits and characteristics of Lord Shani and helps to please him to seek his divine blessings for overall growth and development. A good placement of the planet Saturn that is related to Lord Shani is said to bring a lot of blessings, growth, and happiness to the person but if the placement is not good, then the person would have to face various hardships in life. This powerful mantra of Lord Shani helps to reduce the harmful effects of the bad placement of planet Saturn in the horoscope of the person.

3. Overcoming previous life’s bad karmas

There is a common saying, “As you sow, shall you reap.” A person has to face the various karmas of his/her past life deeds in the present times. Nobody can escape karma irrespective of whether they are good karma or bad karma. But one of the simplest ways to reduce the effect of the bad karmas in the present life is to chant this powerful mantra of Lord Shani with a lot of dedication and sincerity. Reciting this powerful mantra 108 times on Saturdays can help the reciter to overcome the various challenges and bad effects of past life’s bad karma. These challenges can either be related to the person’s professional life or personal life. Not only this but it also helps to overcome various health issues that act as an obstacle to living a healthy and stress-free life.

4. Overcoming the marital issues

Sometimes, bad placement of the planet Saturn in one’s horoscope can lead to various married life issues. There might be frequent quarrels, issues, health issues, impotence, arguments, and toxicity in a relationship. All these are the results of the bad placement of the planet Saturn. Not only this but a bad placement of planet Saturn in the horoscope of the person can also lead to separation and even divorce. So, it’s very important to perform some remedies to overcome these marital life issues. One of the most common ways of overcoming this is to recite the powerful mantra of Lord Shani to seek his divine blessings to overcome the various challenges and difficulties of life.

5. Inculcates the good qualities

“Shani Maha Mantra” helps to inculcate the good qualities in a person. It helps to develop self-discipline, patience, self-control, and a positive attitude in a person. The period of Sade Sati and Maha Dasha of planet Saturn is said to bring a lot of difficulties in the life of the person. During this phase, a person also learns a lot of things that help him/her to face the various challenges of life. It helps the person to keep self-discipline, patience, and control over his/her workings and tongue. By reciting this powerful mantra of Lord Shanvi, a person can successfully develop all the good qualities that are required for overall well-being and development. Not on this but the recitation of this mantra also helps to learn the ways to overcome various challenges of life. So, this powerful mantra must be recited with pure intentions to get positive results.

6. Overcoming the various health issues

Sometimes, the bad placement of the planet Saturn in the horoscope of the person can lead to various health issues. It is very important to perform the remedies to nullify or reduce the harmful effect of planet Saturn in the horoscope of the person. One of the most powerful and simplest forms of remedies to overcome health issues is to chant Shani Maha Mantra with pure devotion and dedication. This mantra must be recited 108 times with the divine blessings of Lord Shani so that the person can overcome various health issues. Not only this but it also helps to stay dedicated and disciplined towards the routine of following a good diet, performing a good exercise, and keeping a regular check on health. So, this magical mantra can help to overcome various health issues and helps to live a healthy and stress-free life.

7. Brings growth and prosperity

There is an endless list of various powerful remedies which are available online to nullify the harmful effects of planet Saturn. You can also seek guidance from a well-established and experienced astrologer to perform certain remedies to overcome the various disturbances of life caused due to planet Saturn in the horoscope of the person. One of the simplest and easiest ways to overcome the bad effects of planet Saturn is to chant “Shani Maha Mantra” 108 times with pure intentions to bring growth and prosperity in life. If your job is not going well or you might be facing a lot of troubles in your business then reciting this powerful mantra can help find a secure future for the person. It helps to bring growth and prosperity.

8. Controls our fate

It is said that planet Saturn is the controller of our fates which is directly linked with our past and present life karmas. Seeking the divine blessings of Lord Shani can help to turn fate in our favor by bringing good luck to the life. It helps to gain the courage to face the various difficulties of life with a lot of power and stability. It develops all the good qualities like discipline, respect, patience, etc. which are very important for overall happiness. Chanting “Shani Maha Mantra” can help to control our fate and turn it in our favor but for that, this powerful mantra must be recited 108 times with pure intentions and dedication. It also helps to follow the path of spirituality for overall growth and happiness.

9. Brings a sense of justice

Another powerful and amazing benefit of reciting “Shani Maha Mantra” is that it brings a sense of justice in the person to bring a positive change in society. By this, a person will never tolerate partiality towards anyone and tries to bring justice to every person in society. It helps to bring stability and good fate for the people and also restores the trust in others who try to help people with unconditional love and dedication. It makes the person positive and disciplined. For all these amazing and life-changing benefits, the mantras of Lord Shani must be recited with a pure heart. “Shani Maha Mantra” must be recited 108 times to bring several positive changes in life.

10. Improves the intellectual skills

“Shani Maha Mantra” is one of the most potent and amazing mantras of Lord Shani that helps to improve the intellectual skills of the person. It helps to open up various opportunities in life that bring s several positive changes. It improves the discipline and concentration powers of the person. It also makes the person dedicated to a career and helps to explore various options that are required for overall growth in their career. Not only this but reciting the powerful mantras of Lord Shani helps to give a good performance in studies. So, this mantra works like a magic for students who want to experience growth in their careers. There are several stories where with a lot of hard work, dedication, and following a routine of reciting this powerful maha-mantra, students have cracked several competitive exams on their first tries. So, the mantra has numerous benefits and it must be recited with pure devotion and dedication to bring all the good results in life.

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